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tv   [untitled]    November 14, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EST

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free. video for your media project a free media party. breaking news. with airstrikes after assassinating the top military leader from people reported killed including children is ready troops on standby for a ground invasion and. rising up against austerity millions of europeans block wide action against cuts with mass protests underway in almost every nation on the continent. a sex scandal triggered by revelations a former cia chief cheated smashes america's p.r. push in afghanistan and topple the reputation of the college celebrity commander.
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life for money center here in moscow this is r.t. with international news and comment with the twenty four hours a day israel has launched a deadly military offensive against gaza with war planes hitting at least twenty sites in the occupied territory the operation began with the airstrike assassination of the military leader unless the palestinian group pledged to open the gates of hell in retaliation well for more let's cross now to. tom tell us exactly what is happening at the moment. hi there bill a intense aerial offensive going on as we speak over gaza israeli jets say they've targeted about twenty sites sites say they're trying to destroy a terrorist infrastructure there in gaza the result large explosions most recently near the the house of
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a hamas leader earlier on today video is now being circulated by the israeli defense force of the moment when the car of med jobbery the leader of hamas his military wing was blown up by a missile strike at what the israelis call a targeted killing there's also been another high ranking hamas military figure killed as well there's also been reports of casualties inside gaza at the moment nine killed dozens wounded the dead in including a seven year old girl according to palestinian officials those figures expected to rise as the bombing continues all of this goes back some weeks now hundreds of rockets have been fired from gaza into southern israel over the past couple of weeks one hundred twenty fired since saturday and also at the weekend the first
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retaliation from israel an air strike which killed four people reportedly including three children but it all stepped up in intensity earlier today with this with this bombing and killing of this ham ass leader the big question on everyone's lips now is are we going to see a ground invasion as we did in the new year of two thousand and eight to nine what was called operation cast lead back then it's that change the name pillar of defense now but it started off in just the same way as cast lead did the israelis we know have called up reservists and they said have. that they are fully prepared to use a ground invasion of gaza they say it's up to hamas whether this happens or not whether how much stopped its rocket attacks or not they haven't stopped as many rockets falling on the south of israel at the moment so if they are true to their word it seems that despite diplomatic pressure from from the un from from egypt to
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threaten who threaten to withdraw their ambassador it seems that there may there is a very real chance that there could be another ground invasion of gaza bringing all the destruction and all the violence that that brought back in with operation cast lead tom thanks very much indeed for that live update from tel aviv no doubt more from you throughout the day are tom barton there what i'm now joined live by political analyst dr honey el bassoons he's speaking to me live from inside gaza itself tell us what is happening where you are now. well we witness for the boss of three hours a wide scale attack on the gaza strip by the israeli military forces so many targets killing more than mine. and one did more than thirty five civilians up to this moment but this has began with. assisting nation of hamas leader ahmed jobbery he's one of the senior leaders of hamas and i think he's been
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wanted by the israeli military forces for the past many years such attack on the gaza strip for the boss a few minutes even we have been here hearing bombings. targeting cars civilians in secure and the situation is very tense and the days are war planes are hoovering in the sky of the girls or there was a stray b.-ball benny king. this has been some fear that i groaned in vague in what became police and i think the situation would continue at least for the next hours and the next if you would be i think there was just some factions hamas islamic jihad and other frankin will not give up and they will do their best to retaliate and launch some work it so from gaza on those rainy side in order to or pressure the israeli side to stop that attack that is intensive up to this moment and we have witnessed more than fifty attacks said. in from the
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south to the north of the gaza strip and from the east to the west are all the gaza strip has been under fire up to this moment so in effect you're saying. the two are at war with each other now this sounds like a full scale conflict. what it's not a war we cannot describe it like this it's an attack which has been began i think it was began four three hours ago or by the assistant of the hamas leader. in response to those earlier rocket attacks saying that it was acting in self-defense is there some sense though that perhaps the civilians there in gaza are being targeted because of the provocations by the militants what's the feeling about the militants actions against israel and is there a feeling that they have caused this. no i don't think so i think people feel that the militants in gaza are defending the palestinian people the feel deuced
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militants necessary to stand alongside the palestinian people it's all about the patient and the israeli attack but there has been a ceasefire many times and the israeli military forces did much stick to that cease fire they have a break in it many times the policy and militant factions have many times trying to defend the palestinian community launching some workers from gaza this came as a retaliation to the israeli military forces the israeli machines which has been killing palestinian civilians and attacking the gaza strip which has been quite seed for the past many years we come up to see that the palestinian militant be launching rockets as an initiative policy initiative it's all about the israeli military forces which has been targeting somebody seen in civilians and really because the situation was calm and there was some i sure as by there's very little for us in that situation will be fine and ok up to the last two hours. take it
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please you know what sort of reaction to expect from the international community we've heard from u.n. chief thank you men here richard that there should be that a deescalation of tensions between the two also egypt has reacted saying that they will not tolerate israel subjecting the palestinians in this way what sort of support do you expect from the international community over this. what we don't expect so much really like what happened in two thousand if two thousand and nine on the gaza strip where the israeli military forces attacked the gaza strip is the same situation or similar situation the. international community has done. towards the palestinians and even the egyptian government now if the israeli society would disturb its own diplomatic mission and with adroit and i think at the same time they were trying to put some pressure on the israeli side but they do see and i think the situation on the ground in gaza has a different reaction
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a different aspect in which i think it is condition would continue that would continue at least for the next if you would ease. we still i'm sure lots of a lot of civilian lives as well i mean that does carry on for the next few days so if it is continued to die sure there's going to be some sort of reaction yes of course i think the reaction has been already some palestinians have launched some work it's to react to those really attack i do see a time the israeli warplanes still attack in the gaza strip as a meeting at the beginning up to this moment had been more than fifty attacks on many places many individuals the killing more than mine policy and under texas to live from from minute to another we can hear of bombings in many places in gaza i think over the might to be we get to witness more attacks and this would last for the next few days ok i don't want it i don't want to be the consequence of all of this continues over the next few days what then afterwards up to the
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so-called peace process that of course is in tatters what next for palestinians in gaza and indeed the west bank. i think we are leading to a non situation it's not easy to understand what's going on because the israeli military forces before the election what's going to be in next or month. election in israel were taking place netanyahu and his likud party want to make up point that his government would secure the border with gaza and would secure the israeli society is i think it's it's connected somehow with the election what's going to be in israel in the next eight weeks this is why this is coalition has been harsh on difficult. will kill many palestinians in order for netanyahu and his record party to win more votes in the election i think this is coalition i would this talk after four or five days maybe not last forever of course but this what they're solved in the killing of many policy is most likely despite the fact the policy and in fact
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it might launch some brackets to into the israelis hired but they will not affect the security of the israeli side as much as the security of the palestinian people has been under fire guard the whole gaza strip as a small history with about two million people living in gaza is one of the most densely places in the world is being intensive fire i think this would jeopardize the lives of human beings in gaza and would result in the killing of many policy and is in the next few days if it lost like this well dr honey all those years keep safe where you are there in gaza thank you very much indeed for joining us live there from gaza political analyst dr honey of the sous. it's a day of unity like europe hasn't seen in years so for all the wrong reasons a series of mega protests are underway across the block with million signing up to join in on the resulting chorus saying no to a sturdy artie's or for has been following the demonstrations. very tense and very
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angry day safe in the general strike hit in spain we've already thing clashes breaking out between the riot police and protesters and as he said just a tense atmosphere of course is not just saying this protesting today that joined by portugal the joined by grace that joined by its late this is a euro wide mega protest it's the first time we've seen this type of protest really crossing borders in all rallying around that single message no to austerity now it's quite hard to say exactly how it's going to turn outs night these things certainly can change pretty quickly as we said we've already seen days run ins happening a lot of anger here a lot of tension and a most contrast to what we saw in just the year a guy we were employed to go just a few days ago in a very similar thing happening that years since recessions continue and as the government has continued alone it's
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a stereotype polythene the mood among people become increasingly desperate certainly here in spain they had very very rough ride of it pulled in twenty five percent unemployment that's the figure this mirrored all across europe right now record levels of unemployment in all these that leading countries and you can feel the desperation you can feel the anger when you come out into the streets at gatherings like this we've seen the individual clashes happening in countries like greece in spain before this is the first time that is crossed borders and everyone's really comes together to drive that message to him to the european leaders no it will start to you can see the band is around you can hear some of the noise in the background some of the protests the setting off there is a flash bang noises she's gathering here and this is that marriage across europe today the u.k. has been joining and we've had cyprus we've had switzerland brussels this is really going to be shaking up your opinion is it going to be what's. this very very
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closely the big question of course is it getting to make at this point is this going to be a game changer if we see these protests mavens already starting to slow down there is this still timetables that european leaders are having to concede that they cons . quite say tightly and the countries haven't the meeting they say that targets the billion year right balance but of course they have maintained that part that all started to drive and not the people here gathered today aside angry about is not the kind of unity i think that european founders would have had in mind but it is you are coming together now and as he said with that single message to the not going to tolerate any more austerity we're here at the start of the march is to get under way very still it will be bringing you all the updates life from the tape throughout the evening when the you spoke to one of the organizers of strike action in britain she says it's the government's duty to listen to the people who beat their opinions away with buttons. this is
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a real sea change for the movement the trade union movement here in britain but also across europe and it's because people are realising that if we are to turn back this devastating tide of terrible and useless cuts which are devastating people's lives then we have to take collective action ourselves as ordinary people as trade unionists as an employed pensioners we have to say that there are other economic policies that will not leak to the station and it's time for our leaders our political leaders our economists and bankers to change their policy austerity is not good if ordinary people if the spanish citizens the workers of spain gathering together to say that they want a different approach their livelihoods of being destroyed their families are suffering and they have the democratic right to make those protests they have the right to withdraw their labor and to make their voices heard it's a story if workers and ordinary people can't make their protests without being
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violently suppressed their voices have to be heard it's those people that have put the politicians in place and the politicians have to listen to the ordinary people and meet their needs. we'll be back with more news for you after this very short break this is ulty emotion. in the glow of russia's no family from civilization in a three hour helicopter treat from the nearest village. they still don't family have been living here for a long time in tents and they don't bring d.s.
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keane's. lodging runs you need to signal and then it's they also grew up in the to draw but left it at the age of six and never returned they now live in the city in apartment building but still ruined their regions. was planted here is a dancing teacher. was. still his tenses he tells the stories about his motherland. laws in europe to now has a one thousand strong reindeer had when the enemy only saw the lichen and marks
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around who it is gather the turns and move to another pasha they travel hundreds of kilometers in winter and then children for them. the two families have less of a chance to come across each other they belong to different worlds in their songs a similar.
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we speak your language anything might be worn out of these. programs and documentaries in spanish. matters to you breaking news a little turn a tip angle keep these stories. here. spanish find out more visit actuality. continues here on all t. the u.s. campaign in afghanistan has suffered a military grade blow with at least two celebrity generals and veterans of the intervention falling from grace
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a sex scandal that started with revelations of the ex cia chief having an affair has now claimed the reputation of the current afghan campaign commander coming out explains. in the papers that here in afghanistan for transit star and battlefield felled at cia by an affair the situation the reaction on the ground has been one of outrage people are really quite confused by this whole scandal one of the comments that i heard from a person who wish to be anonymous in the foreign ministry is office was they founded really indicative of how well the afghan war effort is going in terms of u.s. policy if the top general in charge of it had time to send twenty to thirty thousand pages worth of inappropriate e-mails people here have also expressed some confusion as to why these kinds of scandals would force these top men to resign and not for example the scandals that have really resonated among the people here on the ground for example the tragic massacre by a u.s. soldier of sixteen civilians here in afghanistan the burnings of the koran by
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officials here as well as regular policies like for example night raids which are so controversial here that often result in the deaths of civilians so people are quite confused by this scandal they're not quite sure what implications will have on the u.s. war effort here in afghanistan and of course it's coming on the heels of very important talks between the u.s. and afghanistan that the two countries have been in negotiations over what the u.s. will do with the remainder of its sixty eight thousand troops that are here that are due to withdraw by the twenty fourteen deadline some analysts i've spoken to on the ground here in kabul think that this embarrassing scandal will really be sort of a bargaining chip for some factions in afghanistan to be able to effectively get more of what they want to say well look you know you guys here in the u.s. military top brass don't necessarily have the credibility to pull off certain policy options and that's really been the concern as one of the fall outs of the scandal but of course if we look at the big picture in terms of u.s. policy in afghanistan it really has been crisis after crisis it's not just these resignations of betray us and the implication of general allen we've seen in the
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u.s. spend nearly six hundred billion dollars and it's eleven year effort in afghanistan the insurgency the taliban insurgency has low. remained on the ballot by that we've also see in the u.s. actively shifting towards other policies for example trying to train afghan soldiers to to take over after twenty fourteen and that too has been marred by scandal with nearly fifty four americans being killed in the so-called green on blue attacks showing that the u.s. influence is really waning here in this country another concern is of course the implication on the morale of the troops here the american troops who are not necessarily welcomed in this country they're not the scandal is not going to help them continue to operate on the ground and there's also the concern that the u.s. is really shifting from person based policy to a robotic policy what i'm of course referring to is the drone strikes afghanistan has seen three hundred and thirty three drone strikes in the past year alone that's more than pakistan somalia and yemen combined. well for analysis on this story
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let's talk to john he's assistant editor of the wall don't call well this action against generals is officially being linked only to this. could there be other reasons. well there might be other reasons that are sort of secret and you know interdepartmental issues between the f.b.i. and the military and the cia and stuff like that. you know petraeus is a nomination to the director's cia was controversial for a number of reasons but you know to me the interesting thing about this is the overwhelming reaction that this has gotten this sex scandal has gotten him in the public you know when the tray as you know led the surge in iraq and you know was the brainchild of the surge in afghanistan kompany these are two
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policies which required arming and training radical islamic fighters that pledged allegiance to the united states and you know to a certain extent and so they would fight for them but they were cruel and inhumane and did you know the afghan local police which betray us described as the linchpin of the afghan strategy these are a group of people that have been accused of murder rape they were you know it last year they were accused of kidnapping a boy in nailing a hammering nails into the bottom of his feet they're accused of torture and theft and the same type of thing that happened in iraq when you know the trail organized a shiite sunni civil war that ended in hundreds of thousands of lives lost and no reaction to all of that bloodshed and he was described as a war hero he was portrayed in a positive light all it takes to be portrayed in a negative light in the american mind is
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a sex scandal and that's an interesting little reflection on on the political culture in america. a lot of what of course these generals are doing is merely pursuing washington's policies and be all to do the impossible in afghanistan. well that's certainly true as well although if you read you know for example bob woodward woodward's book on obama's war in the lead up to the surgeon or in afghanistan there was a lot of resistance in the obama administration not to give them any credit to try as was you know deeply in favor of the surge in fact. he was sort of badgering the. obama administration warning that you know they shouldn't mess with him in the sense that they shouldn't call off a surge they should allow him to you know continue his war heroism on the other hand true these are wars that are directed and called for and waged essentially by our political leaders and they deserve as much derision as the generals deserve
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for the policies that they carry out and that you know patrice is receiving right now on quick thoughts internet privacy the f.b.i. they were looking into an entirely different matter investigators came up across this compromising material should they have made this public with a right to do that. well you know. this should really demonstrate how easy it is for the government to be able to snoop on people i mean if this if the cia director's emails private e-mails aren't safe from you know government spying then what does that say about our e-mails the government spying that has been going on in electronic communications has surged in recent years and under the obama administration and we know that type of thing is going on and on and. yes we'll leave it there thank you very much you're right it could be. joining me here in our well back to our breaking news story this hour israel has
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launched airstrikes and assassinations in gaza killing the military leader of hamas and bombing at least twenty sites in the occupied territory the operation began with the airstrike assassination of the military leader of hamas c.c.t.v. footage of the attack has been released by the israeli military there's been a powerful explosion outside the house of the palestinian groups foreign affairs chief the followup strikes killed at least nine people including children there's now talk in israel of protracted fighting in gaza with warnings of an imminent ground invasion military boats are already shelling from the sea and the us says israel has opened the gates of hell and is now war with the jewish state this is our breaking news and we'll be keeping you updated as the story unfolds. well this is r.t. live here in moscow dimitri is next with the business and dmitri markets today been really rattled with the wave of protests out of europe and they yes they have even though this is one of the most coordinated waves of the protests in europe and the
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people apparently have been focusing on different aspects and different countries of austerity now look at that in more detail after this short break and thanks lot to each. sisters. miss it's in. day care my daddy. does a famous reuse benson played his own. ransom business.
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thank. you.


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